I have created another blog as part of a course requirement for Walden University. Those who are familiar with me know that I have a few different blogs on subjects of interest. However, I have not done much with them in the past few years. I am beginning a new phase in life following the death of my parents, and now that my time is a bit more free, I am studying for my Masters Degree. This is something I have wanted to do for years, but the timing was never right. Now I have found a major that I am interested in learning about. I love education, and I love technology. I am hoping this will be a blend of the two fields. Of course I still love animating, and that is also on the list of what I want to get better at.I am hoping that this degree will open a lot of new doors as far as making education more relevant for all students. I will be referencing other blogs and newsletters in this blog that relate to the field of instructional design and training.
Getting Started
Lets get started: Since I am just starting this blog I am looking for some interesting blogs to share some content from, or maybe some newsletters with interesting articles for anyone in education, but that utilize the Instructional Design theme.There is this one from
This blog entry is about online courses, and might make it easier for those of us just starting out to see what others have learned. Why reinvent the wheel if it is not necessary, right? If you are taking online courses you can see which of these guidelines are being used by your instructors and which ones you think are important. There are also links for helpful sites.
This article was just published this month, so it is timely, and I think the points offered for successful courses are valid. As an online student, I constantly battle the time management issues. I write a lot and I write slowly. I read slowly, so it takes me a long time to get my assignments completed on time. I am not sure if going to school with deadlines like this is right for me, but I like the fact that I can start at 4:00 am if necessary.
Another blog I found is from
The article on how the memory works is fun to look at. It is focusing on better ways to understand the cognitive learning theory, that one must need to be aware of for instructional design. The chart is easy to follow and a good page to bookmark for future reference.
I have a friend that I met at a curriculum writing workshop who works for the California Department of Education. I was impressed by his willingness to get in the trenches with us in an intense curriculum writing workshop. He seemed to want the class we were designing to be a success, and offered ideas and suggestions when he was really just there to observe. He spend most of his time helping our group.
His name is Gary Page, and he is an IT consultant. His major contributions are in the field of combining Career and Technology Pathways with Core subject matter. I have sent him an email to see what blogs he would recommend. Here is a blog he is associated with and a podcast. School of Web
Gary gives disturbing stats regarding California's Education system preparing students for better paying jobs that are requiring college completion. The following facts are taking from the website mentioned above.
Providing students access to and completion in college is one of the most important ways we can ensure California’s prosperity.Gary Page is an advocate for students. Most will never meet him, but he works hard so that California Education can become more relevant. To get to know him better visit the site and listen to his pod cast on interrelating technologies.
California is:
40th in the nation in the number of students who go directly from high school to college;
41st in the nation in the number of baccalaureate degrees awarded per 100 undergrads;
46th among states in college completion. (School of 2014)
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